Find Longevity Power In Your DNA

By dnaPower

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At Jevitty Life Science, we’re committed to helping users find their true longevity potential. Every day, we strive to find ways to support our members’ journeys towards a healthier, longer life.

That’s why we encourage members to get accurate measurements of their health. And what could be more accurate than knowing your DNA?

Through Jevitty, you can now access a DNA Power kit that will ship to your doorstep. Simply swab and return. DNA Power will then measure your DNA against four calculations: your Diet Power, Fit Power, Health Power, and Brain Power.

Why do these DNA metrics matter in longevity?

DNA is what makes us unique. Getting to know our genetics also helps us adjust health regimes to suit individuals, not the masses.

‘Diet’ calculations include measurements that gauge how sensitive your DNA is to certain foods, and what supplements work best with your genetics.

‘Fit’ provides insight into your body’s response to exercise performance, and injury recovery.

‘Health’ is a DNA metric that measures – among others – your immune system and hormones.

‘Brain’ measures your DNA’s susceptibility to risks like Alzheimer’s, and how well it regulates bodily functions, like the production of stress hormones.

Knowing your DNA helps you tailor your longevity efforts to you

The phrase ‘it’s what’s on the inside that counts’ is highly relevant when it comes to our health.

And what’s on the inside is as unique as our DNA, so if we know our genetic makeup, we can begin to understand what affects us. Have you ever asked yourself: “Why aren’t I losing weight? I exercise all the time.” If so, then genetics may very well be the key to getting you past the hump.

Just remember: it’s not about losing weight. If that’s your goal, you should look at it as a by-product of achieving long-term healthy habits.

These are measurements you can track using the Jevitty app. Combined with your new DNA knowledge, you’ll be able to make data-driven choices to increase your longevity. What to eat, how to exercise, supplements that work with your body, where to find reliable sources of information and more – all on the Jevitty app.

What other measurements do I need to help me track my health?

Members can also increase their chances of success by getting a Jevitty Scan by Bodycomp Imaging. Our DXA scanners are the gold standard in body composition scanning. Extremely detailed, a Jevitty scan can measure your body fat, muscle mass, bone density, visceral fat, lean mass and more.

Users can input these numbers into the Jevitty app to get even more accurate health metrics. One scan every three months or so can really help you measure your success – literally. Yes, we mean it: you’ll see actual body fat percentage numbers, before and after. You’ll notice muscle mass measurements change, before and after. Bone density, before and after.

Ready to get started on your journey towards healthy longevity? Get to know yourself with a DNA Power kit, come in for a Jevitty Scan, and download the Jevitty app to start tracking your health. Let’s harness the power of technology to increase the human lifespan and live healthier, longer lives.